Location | Estd. 2013

Smile Designing in Gurgaon

"The first thing that someone notices on other’s faces is a SMILE. “First impression is always a Last impression."

Smile Designing is a dental treatment that corrects and prompts natural-looking smiles, artistically. Regardless of the state of your existing teeth, smile designs procedure can work miracles to renew the appearance you are dissatisfied with, or that is damaged due to age or injury.

Who needs Smile Designing:

  • If you a chipped or broken tooth
  • Discoloured front tooth from the childhood
  • Crooked teeth
  • If you have gap between teeth
  • Discoloured fillings or if you have old caps bothering
Smile Designing In Gurgaon

What Smile Designing Treatment can Fix for You?

Crooked Teeth Treatment In Gurgaon

Crooked Teeth

Broken Or Chipped Teeth Treatment In Gurgaon

Broken Or Chipped Teeth

Missing Teeth Treatment In Gurgaon

Missing Teeth

Alignment & Spacing Treatment in Gurgaon

Alignment And Spacing

Gummy Smile Treatment in Gurgaon

Gummy Smile

Fuller Lips Treatment in Gurgaon

Fuller Lips

Tooth texture & Characterization Treatment in Gurgaon

Tooth Texture And Characterization

Cheeks & Smile Designing Treatment in Gurgaon

Cheeks And Smile

Designing Customized Smiles:

Similar to a tailor creating perfectly fitted clothes or an architect considering both design and function, dentists possess the ability to tailor smiles for their patients.

  • “Enhanced” style features slightly shorter teeth towards the centre, providing a youthful appearance.
  • “Hollywood” style is more toothy and popular among males, while the “Oval” style suits individuals with round faces.
  • “Aggressive” style with straighter tooth edges, is often used for men, while the “Mature” style incorporates squarish edges.
  • “Softened” style is favoured by those who desire a more youthful look.

Procedures Involved in Smile Designing:

  • Crown lengthening Remove excess gum tissue
  • Dental Implant Placements For missing teeth
  • Bone Grafting To regenerate missing bone in the jaw
  • Gum Grafting To correct advanced gingival recession
  • Porcelain Veneers To address minor teeth disorders
  • Porcelain Onlays and Inlays To repair and fill decayed teeth
  • Enamel recontouring For aesthetic and speech correction
  • Orthodontia To correct misaligned teeth structures

Smile Designing Treatment Clinic in Gurgaon

At Cosmodontist Dental & Implant Centre we are focusing on individualised care and comprehensive treatment options at best cost, the clinic aims to deliver the best smile care to its patients.

Some FAQ Questions

How can I improve the appearance of my gums?

The appearance of your gums can be improved through various treatments, such as gum contouring or gum reshaping. Gum contouring involves removing excess gum tissue to create a more balanced gum line. This procedure can help address a gummy smile or uneven gum tissue. Gum reshaping, on the other hand, involves adding gum tissue to areas where it is deficient. This procedure can help address issues like receding gums or exposed tooth roots.

What are dental veneers, and how can they improve my smile?

Dental veneers are thin shells made of custom-designed porcelain or composite resin to cover the front surface of your teeth. They can effectively address various cosmetic dental issues, such as discolouration, chipped or cracked teeth, gaps between teeth, and misshapen teeth. Veneers can create a natural-looking, constant smile by improving your teeth’ colour, shape, size, and alignment. The procedure involves minimal tooth preparation, and the veneers are attached to the teeth using a strong adhesive.

What is teeth whitening, and how does it work?

Teeth whitening is a popular cosmetic dental treatment that aims to lighten the shade of your teeth, giving a brighter, more radiant smile. A whitening agent is applied to the teeth, usually a hydrogen peroxide-based gel. The gel penetrates the enamel and breaks down stains and discolouration, revealing a whiter appearance. Teeth whitening is performed in-office by a dental professional, or you can opt for take-home kits provided by your dentist.

Can I straighten my teeth without traditional braces?

There are alternatives to traditional metal braces for teeth straightening. One popular option is Invisalign, a transparent aligner system that uses a series of custom-made, virtually invisible aligners to gradually shift your teeth into the desired position. Removable aligners allow you to eat, drink, and brush your teeth quickly. Another option is ceramic braces, which use tooth-coloured brackets and wires that blend with natural teeth, making them less noticeable.

What is a smile makeover, and how can it transform my smile?

A smile makeover is a comprehensive treatment plan that combines various cosmetic dental procedures to enhance the overall appearance of your smile. It involves a personalised approach, considering your unique dental concerns and goals. A smile makeover may include treatments such as teeth whitening, dental veneers, dental bonding, orthodontics, gum reshaping, and more. A smile makeover can help you achieve a more balanced, harmonious, and attractive smile by addressing multiple aspects of your smile.

Make your dream smile a reality

Call us or book your appointment today.

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